History of Crime and Punishment

História e judiciário: possibilidades de pesquisa

HISTORY OF CRIME AND LAW / History of Crime and Punishment / History of Crime and Criminology / History of Criminology

Paixões torpes, ambições sórdidas: transgressão, controle social, cultura e sensibilidade moderna em Curitiba, fins do século XIX e início do XX.

Contemporary History / Brazilian History / History of Crime and Punishment / History of Crime and Criminology

Humanizar e defender - a ciência criminal entre o humanismo e a defesa social

HISTORY OF CRIME AND LAW / History of Crime and Punishment / History of Crime and Criminology

Dia de rebelião: as margens do Estado no cotidiano civil-prisional da Ilha Anchieta (1942-1955)

Sociology / Sociology of Violence / Social History / History of Crime and Punishment

A História do Pensamento Econômico sobre Crime e Punição de Adam Smith a Gary Becker: Parte I

History of Economic Thought / Sociology of Crime and Deviance / The economics of crime / Adam Smith / Criminality and Punishment / Crime / Criminality / History of Crime and Punishment / Criminalidade / Cesare Beccaria / História do pensamento econômico / Economia Do Crime / Crime / Criminality / History of Crime and Punishment / Criminalidade / Cesare Beccaria / História do pensamento econômico / Economia Do Crime

História: Questões & Debates: Dossiê História Cultural do Crime

Latin American and Caribbean History / Sociology of Crime and Deviance / Police History / History of prisons / História do Brasil / History of Crime and Punishment / History of Crime and Criminology / History of Crime and Punishment / History of Crime and Criminology

Respuestas Fragmentadas

Criminal Justice / Sociology of Violence / Criminal Justice History / Political Violence and Terrorism / Cultures of Punishment / Vigilantism / Acción Colectiva / Mobs, Riots, and Revolutionary Crowds / Estudios sobre Violencia y Conflicto / Corporal Punishment / Lynching / Violencia / Sociology of Punishment / History of Crime and Punishment / Punishment / Violencia Política / Violência / Violência Urbana / Anti-Lynching / Antropología de la violencia / Historia del crimen y del castigo / Formación del Estado / Linchamentos / Violencia Colectiva / Acciones Colectivas / Lynchings / Vigilantismo / Linchamientos en México / Vigilantism / Acción Colectiva / Mobs, Riots, and Revolutionary Crowds / Estudios sobre Violencia y Conflicto / Corporal Punishment / Lynching / Violencia / Sociology of Punishment / History of Crime and Punishment / Punishment / Violencia Política / Violência / Violência Urbana / Anti-Lynching / Antropología de la violencia / Historia del crimen y del castigo / Formación del Estado / Linchamentos / Violencia Colectiva / Acciones Colectivas / Lynchings / Vigilantismo / Linchamientos en México

AUTHOR: Crime e castigo no liberalismo em Portugal [Crime and Punishment during Liberalism in Portugal] (Lisboa: Livros Horizonte, 2005)

Modern History / Portuguese History / HISTORY OF CRIME AND LAW / History of Crime and Punishment
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